Get eDAS for Commercial Invoice Attestation UAE

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MOFAIC has developed a new system for electronic attestation of commercial invoices imported into the UAE. Customs clients will be required to apply online for commercial invoice attestation from 01 February 2023.

Invoices over 10,000 AED must be submitted during the customs declaration process. This includes submission through all channels, importing specific declaration types, and making a customs declaration at Dubai Customs.

The MoFAIC will charge an AED 150 fee for every commercial invoice containing imported goods valued over AED10,000.

New Procedure for Commercial Invoice Attestation eDAS

Get Attestation services in UAE

Electronic Document Attestation Service Procedure Work

It provides MOFAIC with a full overview of imports from the rest of the world, including countries with high-risk trade habits. The new procedure adds an extra layer of security and fraud prevention at Dubai Customs.

Service Procedure Step By Step:

  1. Visit  MOFAIC website (eDAS).
  2. Press the Start Service button.
  3. Register if you haven’t already done so or log in using the company login form.
  4. Finish the profile if you haven’t already complete it.
  5. Submit a new attestation request.
  6. Complete the form and include the invoice (s).
  7. Pay the charges.
  8. Received an invoice with digital attestation.

After this, A digitally attested commercial invoice is generated by MOFAIC, and its corresponding approval number, called an eDAS, is attributed to the applicant as proof of approval. The eDAS is integrated with the UAE Customs system to confirm the approval.

mofaic attestation Dubai fee UAE

There are several exemptions to the UAE's attestation fees:

  • Commercial invoice for a value of less than 10,000 AED.
  • Imports from the Gulf Cooperation Council.
  • People import personal items.
  • Freezone imports.
  • Imports for military & police.
  • Imports for charities.

A customs declaration for imported goods must be set within 14 days and attestation fees must be paid within that time.


No, you don’t it. Just simply upload your invoice on to the portal through the MOFAIC website EDAS service.

Yes, during the application process, select other in the source chamber field, and when ask to upload the certificate of origin (CoO), attach a copy of the invoice you would like attested.

Yes, if you do not attest within 14 days of receiving your bill of entry, the consignee will be fined 500 AED per invoice.

If you a Broker, Agent, or Shipping Clearing Agent. Yes, you can attest for them.

No, you may attest on a single account for all of your clients.

Invoices must be attested:

  • Import statistical declaration.
  • Import to local from (ROW, FZ, and CW).
  • Import to local after temporary admission.
  • Import for re-export to Local from (ROW, FZ, and CW).

Invoices don’t have to be attested:

  • Invoices with amounts under 10,000 AED.
  • The declaration is owned by the passenger, the individual customer, or the government agency.
  • The products listed on the invoice belong to the police, the military, diplomats, charitable organizations, and international organizations.
  • Physical handicapped people’s unique demands.
  • Return and short-landed cargo shipments.
  • Importation of goods from gulf cooperation council nations.
  • Duty has already been paid at origin on imports from gulf cooperation council nations.
  • Movements in B2C e-commerce.

Yes, if you’d like to attest. (optional)

Importer name and consignee name are the same. The company name should be the applicant’s company name.

Per invoice; attestation is required for all invoices above AED 1000.

3 Responses

  1. Dear Team

    Please clraify the Details of Invoice attestion : We are in the Main land Sharjha and we are selling the products to our customer in Freezone Aera , in this case we need to provide the invoices attestion to the Customer and please clearly clarify the details

  2. I admire your enthusiasm for sharing information with your readers. Thanks for all that you do.

  3. How to change the EDAS registered email id , as per their new implementation of linking BOE, the same Dubai trade registered email is mandatory in the EDAS portal.

    Kindly help us to avoid the huge missing linking i attested invoice and ED .

    Salmanul Faris

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